
Can You Lose Weight With Walking Alone


Walking has many great health benefits, including losing weight. But if we compare it to some other exercises, walking doesn’t have the same effect. In this blog post we’ll discuss whether walking can help you with losing weight or not.

Calories Burned By Walking

Walking is a great activity, especially for those people who want to burn extra calories. But how much calories you can lose with walking will depend. Your weight and walking pace being the most important factors. Keep in mind that the faster you walk the more extra calories you’re gonna lose. The average walking pace for adult is 3mph, which means that if you walk for an hour straight you’ll lose between 250 – 400 calories on average, depending on your weight. If you are on a skinnier side you’ll burn less calories, but if you are fat, you’re gonna burn more calories.

Walking Can Help You Lose Weight

If you walk 1 hour every day, you will burn more calories, and lose weight. Also many people experience losing more lean muscle mass when they lose weight. But walking can actually help with maintaining that lean muscle mass, which should be also another goal of yours.

Factor In Your Diet

Even though walking is a great way to lose weight, it is more effective when you combine it with a clean diet that is going to help you with fat loss. There was a 12-week study done, where people who were obese restricted their diet by 500-800 calories per day. And one group had to walk 3 hours per week, while the other group didn’t. The results showed that both groups lost a fair amount of body weight, but the first group that did walking 3 hours per week, lost 4 pounds more than the other group. 

How Much Weight Can You Lose In By Walking 1 Hour Per Day

First of all, in order to lose weight you must eat fewer calories than you burn daily. And you can also combine walking to burn those extra calories. It is stated that 1 pound of body weight equals to 3500 calories, if we look at this theory, you should be in caloric deficit of about 500 calories for 7 days to lose 1 pound per week. Even though this role isn’t the same for everyone, mainly for people with low body percentages. A deficit of 500 calories per day should be everyone’s priority if they wanna lose weight. Also if you’re having trouble losing weight, then maybe you should consider buying CJC 1295 DAC, as it can help with weight loss, and many customers are satisfied after using it. If you’re looking for CJC-1295 Dac for sale, you can buy it online and see the results for yourself. 

Other Benefits of Walking

There are many great benefits when it comes to walking, especially if you do it for 30-60 minutes every day. The most important health benefits of walking are as follows: decreased LDL (bad) cholesterol, increased HDL (good) cholesterol, improved mood, decreased blood pressure. These benefits also lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and overall mortality and improved life quality. Walking at least for 30 minutes every day will for sure help you lose weight. 

How To Start Walking For Exercise

Now that you’ve seen the benefits of walking, you’re probably wondering how to start walking as a daily activity. Well, we recommend you to start small, and progressively increase your duration and frequency. When you get into the habit of walking daily, you can start walking faster. At the beginning if you start walking fast, you’ll be fatigued, sore and unmotivated very quickly. You should start at a comfortable duration, frequency, pace and then gradually increase that. People who are not active will probably struggle at beginning, and will probably need more time to gradually increase duration, frequency and pace, but the most important thing is to stay consistent on this habit and to never give up. 

The Bottom Line

Walking is a great exercise, and if you do it for 1 hour every day, i’m sure you’re going to see many great benefits, including weight loss. Walking can be very good for weight loss, since you burn more calories. But remember to combine walking with the right diet that supports weight loss if you wanna see results quickly. Gradually increase the duration, frequency and pace of walking and i’m sure you’ll see changes on your body soon. 

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